
Hong Kong :Cantonese Cuisine 3


On the following day, May 20th, I was going to leave Hong Kong for Seoul, my next destination. My regret was that  I could try only three dishes at the first restaurant I introduced here: the name is "Tasty Congee (正斗麺粥専家)". It has a great variety of needle, rice and dim sum dishes and many of them can not be found in Chinese restaurants in Japan. Since I made a baggage check-in at the Hong Kong station, I had time to look around. When I went upstairs to the 3rd floor from the departure lounge, I saw "Tasty Congee" shop! "What a luck" I thought. I had just had two muffins for breakfast at Starbacks but I did not mind having an early lunch. Thanks to Mr Vicente who almost always left me our shared dishes last few days, my stomach has been enlarged. What I had are the following two dishes.

708 星州炒米 (Stir-fried rice vermicelli noodles in Singaporean style)

あまり意識せずに食べてしまったので、日本で知られている『ビーフン』と思ってしまったが、絡めてあるたれのせいか色が白くなかった。後で調べた際に中国語の漢字が『炒米』とあり、通常ビーフンは『米粉』と書くことで少し疑問が生じた。ネットで信用のおけそうな中国語の辞書で調べたところ、炒米 は『chǎomǐ』、
1. [料理]炒(い)り米。
2. [料理]炒ったウルチキビとあった。ビーフンはちなみに『炒米粉[chǎomǐfěn] 』
The name and the number correspond to its menu so that you can order easily when you are in Hong Kong. Noodles are made from rice vermicelli. However, this English translation may create some confusion. Rice vermicelli is not exactly rice but it is different grain. In English speaking countries, rice is not consumed traditionally daily, whereas in a country like Japan, we have rice every day.  In case of "rice vermicelli", I presume that, for example, British people never had had. Therefore, they combine two words, one familiar word "rice" with an unknown word "vermicelli" - which can be deprived from Italian. Similarly, in our language, wheat is treated in such a way as rice in English. Wheat is "komugi" and flour is "komugi-ko". In case of English, this grain was need to be expressed in different words when processed. Becasue it probably gave a significant importance in their life. Likewise, in Japan, we have several names for rice. One for a plant, one for grain, one for cooked meal and so on.
Anyway, let's go back to the dish itself. It is interesting to know what it is made from. It may give a different taste, texture and look. This noodle was not white. So, I was curious to found about it. So, I looked up in a Chinese-Japanese dictionary. Now, I know rice vermicelli ( 炒米) is different from rice (米). Rice vermicelli is yellowish light brown in colour and has a perfect sphere in shape and much smaller while white rice has its skin removed and therefore is white in color and oval in shape. Knowing these fact, I would say we may pay more attention to taste, texture and smell of food. For me, enjoying a meal is not just eating but tasting it with much delicacy and try to sense not only its taste but texture, fregrance and aftertaste.
195 叉燒酥 (chāshāo sū : Barbecued pork puff pastry)
『叉燒』はchāshāo と発音し、その発音が訛って日本で『チャーシュー』となったと思われる。日本でいう肉まんをパイ生地で包んで揚げた料理と言える。
This is pastry with pork fillings and the sauce in which pork is cooked can be seasoned with soysauce and sugar and possibly some other ingredients.



Hong Kong : Cantonese Cuisine 2

Before British people started to develop the Hong Kong Island as a trading and financial centre, it is said that there were only fishermen villages. On the fourth day, we went on cruise by a typical fisherman's boat. Some of those families whose ancestors were fishermen and women, are making a living by taking tourists on boat cruise.


Our destination was a famous entertaining restaurant floating on the harber. Before coming to Hong Kong, I found it very tourist-oriented and got rid of it from my list. My friend picked this place. Unexpectedly, the food was good. Later, I read about the restaurant. The restaurant hired a new chef from other prestigeous restaurant and renew entire menu four years ago. I did not write much about dishes because they are very common dishes.

蟹肉粟米羹(Crab & sweet corn soup)
宮保鶏丁(stir-fried chicken & cashew nuts in spicy sauce)

白灼生中蝦(Boiled fresh shrimp)

清蒸大石班(Steamed Fresh Garoupa)

Jumbo Kingdom(Jumbo Floating Restaurant)珍寶王國(珍寶海鮮舫)
住所  : Shum Wan Pier Drive, Wong Chuk Hang, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
電話番号 : 2553-9111, 2873-7111
ウェブサイト: http://www.jumbo.com.hk/

Hong Kong : Cantonese Cuisine / 広東料理


After reading my last writing, you may not consider going to Hong Kong. However, I must stress that Canonese cuisine in Hong Kong is something you really have to try once.
Like travelling Italy, Spain or Portugal, I must stick to my English to get around. Fortunately, you can expect a complete English menu at many restaurants, here in Hong Kong. Being Japanese also gives a little bit of advantage over other foreigners because I could learn the names of dishes the way of cooking easily since we share the Chinese characters in our language, too. Although it can be too much for me to take up another difficult language, I can learn the names of Chinese food and ways of cooking.
To enjoy Cantonese food in high quality and pay quite reasonable price, I truly recommend, "Tasty Congee & Noodle Wantun Shop (正斗麺粥専家)". If you go to IFC mall for shopping, it is an idea place to have lunch or dinner. It is connected from Hong Kong train station. If you arrive in Hong Kong late in the afternoon and do not wish to search for a place to eat, you can go there directly when you get to the station by the airport railways.

102 鮮蝦雲吞麵 (Shrimp wanton noodles in soup) 

I must admit that I never eat "ramen" in Japan. It is not Japanese food and it is not exactly Chinese, either. I only take my foreign friends to a place where they serve traditional and authentic Japanese food (since they are not a business client who I might lose due to my "bad behaviour" but they are my dear friends, I can control their wishes, can't I?  Ha. Ha. Ha.) Similariy, I do not eat Japanese food when I go abroad. (Remember, I never had a rice-cooker in Newcastle.)
OK. Here I am in Hong Kong to taste some traditional Cantonese noodles. The name of the food on the title with three digit number corresponds to the exact menu. It is named "shrimp noodles". Considering the size, it is prawn to be more accurate. Noodles and soup are simple and very tasty.

206 京都香炸醬撈麵  (Tossed noodles: Hot & sour pork meat sauce on Noodles)

メニューにある漢字、味、外観から判断して日本で『ジャージャー麺(炸醬麺)』として知られる料理と同じと考えてよいかもしれない。ただ、英語名に『hot』と有るように唐辛子が少しきいているようである。私のポルトガル人の友人が知らずに頼み、私が平らげることになった。最近、四川料理や韓国料理をよく食べるようになったこともあるが、日本では通常の辛さと言えるので警戒して避ける料理ではなく、むしろ大変おいしかった。青みの野菜だけが茹でただけのためそれだけ食べると味気がないので注意。『Tossed noodles』とあるが、調理法を指しているようで英語の『Oxford Advanced learner's』という辞書を参考にして意味を調べてみると『食材をボウルなどにいれて粉や液体状の調味料など入れて左右に揺することで味をまんべんなく行きとどかせる動作』を指すとわかった。その意味と麺を目や触感で確かめた限りで判断したところ、『小麦粉を麺にまぶしてよく振って味をまんべんなく行きとどかせた後、フライパンに薄く敷き、油で炒めたようである。したがって油で揚げたパリッとした触感があり、非常においしかった。

Looking at the following Chinese characters, "炸醬撈麵", it can be a Cantonese-style "Zhajiangmian". However, the way of cooking noodles is completely different. While noodles are boiled in a hot water and the water is drained once it is cooked in case of "Zhajiangmian", noodles looked pan-fried.  I was curious about the name "tossed", so I looked it up on "Oxford Advanced learner's dictionary". It says "to coat food by shaking and turning in dressing". By knowing that meaning, noodle can be coated with flour and cooked in a frying pan with a layer of cooking oil. It was crispy and tastier.
My dear Portuguese friend ordered this without checking the word "hot" in its English description on the menu. So, the dish ended up to fill my stomach, instead of his.

Well, I unfortunately forgot to note the name of this dish. It is on the menu without picture. Again, two third of it went to my stomach since he said "I didn't expect rice like this".

中環店 Central Shop
住所 : 香港中環港景街1號國際金融中心商場3/F.,3016-3018號舖
Shop 3016-3018 on Podium Level 3 of ifc mall, 1 Harbour View Street, Central
電話 : 2295 0101 
Fax  : 2295 0666
営業時間 : 11:30~23:00
休業日 : 年中無休
Website : http://www.tasty.com.hk/menu.html

In the following day, we went to a cafeteria served the same types of food. Nuno picked up the place from "Lonely Planet", which I distrust. The place was really "spooky". The food was not worth paying. The portion of dishes is unnecessarily larger and the taste did not impressed me.
A good thing about the restaurant I recommended is low-costing as other ordinary shops and the portion is just right.


Hong Kong

やはり、香港は超高層ビルがが立ち並ぶ姿を港の両側であるいはフェリーに乗って眺める。英国風のダブルデッカー(Double -decker)バスや路面電車を眺め、ショッピングを楽しむというところではないかと思う。

We moved to Hong Kong in night after having dinner at a Macanese restaurant so that we could have more time to explore Hong Kong.
What makes this city significant is its rapid growth. Visiting HK Museum of History, you can find out more about its history and culture.
The foundation of Hong Kong is 1840s by Britain after Optium War against Qing Dynasty of China two hundred years after Portuguese started to move to Macao.  The most significant event of all Hong Kong history can be the establishment of HK dolar which lead the city to become the financial centre of Asia.
That resulted in a remarkably rapid growth of its economy and wealth.
For foreign tourists, I would say, there is almost no historical architectures, sites or monuments. This could be more obvious if you visit there after Macao.
What you enjoy the most would be modern buildings aligned vertically in different heights. A good thing about Hong Kong is that the city was constructed in both sides of the harber, on the mainland and the island. You can enjoy a great view by just walking along the harber or simply taking a ferry trip from one side to the other. You don' t really need to go to the Victria Hill by taking a tram to go up, after waiting and waiting. The worst thing was fog prevented us see nothing.
Since the weather forcast said it was cloudy throughout the week, we could do nothing.

Macao : Existence of Lusofonia


When you walk around the historical district of Macao, you can find there are many statues of important figures in the Portuguese History. I would like to introduce some of them who may be relevant to the foundation of this city.
The first person is Vasco da Gama, who is well-known as one of the greatest navigators in the World History. As you may know, he was the one who has first discovered and developed the maritime route to reach India. This basic route was served as the important historical step to reach the Far East. Hence the history of Macao.

Caminhando nos bairros historicos em Macau, podemos ver algumas figuras tão importante na história mundial como uma de Portugal. A primeira pessoa é o Vasco da Gama. O homem que descobrí a ruta maritima pela India. Eu também conhecí o nome quando era um menino da escola secundaria.

次は、ポルトガル史上、最も高い評価を受けている詩人・ルイス・デ・カモエシュ(Luis de Camões) 。街のはずれの緩やかかな丘に彼の名を冠した公園がある。彼の代表作はこの時代の航海と発見を題材にしたもので、一つの詩は、写真の銅像に刻まれているように8行ずつ、同じ音調、音節で書かれている。読んだことはないので、正確なことが言えないが、日本の俳句と同じように想像力を働かせて読むべきものではないかと思う。

The next person I present is Luis de Camões. He is a Portuguese poet from 16th century and he is considered to be the greatest poet of the Portuguese history. "Os Lusíadas", has a tema of the voyages and discovery during 15th and 16th centuries. What makes it unique is that each poem / chapter is written 8 lines with the same limited number of syllables in the same tone. (enlarging the photo below and seeing the letters engraved on the base of his statue, you may have a bit better idea what I am talking about.) In Japan, we have "haiku" the shortest form of poem with 31 syllables. To read and understand it fully, it requires a large immagination. Probably, the work of Luis de Camões can be similar in this sense.

O seguente figura é o Luís de Camões, o poeta portuguesa mais conhecido do mundo. A verdade é, eu não sabia este nome antes de ter iniciado o estudo intensivo da língua portuguêsa. A organização que promove esta língua ao mundo chama-se "Instituto Camões". Possívelmente o instituto tenha o nome do poeta porque ele é a figura mais previligiado na literatura Portuguêsa como o Miguel Cervantes no caso da Espanha.

Along with Spain, Portugal lead a trend of seeking opportunities to conquer the world through numerous attempts and had established new maritime routes to Asia and the American Continents. However, these two countries pushed to the sideline by new leaders such as Britain and Holland. Although both countries did not participate in the World Wars, the military regimes controlled people. Portugal suffered from a huge economic downturn and crisis after 1975 due to the independence of colonized countries worldwide. Portugal experienced a high unemployment and the economy was disturbed severely by political demonstrations and riots. The numbership of current EU helped its economy and creation of infrastructure. The wave started to blow toward Portugal. However, another economic crisis hit the country. Portugal would ever sail out and lead the world, again? Does any Portuguese go out and conquer the world? I can think of one!
His name is "Cristiano Ronaldo Dos Santos Aveiro", the greatest footballer who has been establishing the world records of entire football history, along with Leo Messi. Maybe he has already conquered the world but he never stop being ambitious!
I discovered his presence in the ex-colonial state in the Far East.
Portugal é uma república democratica. Não há o rei. É verdade que o rei existe? Existe! Eu ví a seu foto na rua em Macau. O rei que já conquistou o mundo! Ainda muito entusiasmado para ganhar e representar o seu país.


Macao : Macanese Cuisine

われわれが注文した料理の一つは『アフリカン・チキンgarinha africana ou frango assado à africana』。トマトベースにシナモン、ココナッツ、パプリカなどのスパイスをソースをグリルで焼いた鶏肉にかけた料理で唐辛子は入っていないため辛さはほとんどなく、かわりに普段口にしない香辛料の味を楽しめる料理といってよいかと思う。もうひとつは『ポークカレーシチュー』とでもいうのだろうか。英国のローストポークの厚切りとジャガイモをカレー風味のシチューにした料理(2つ目の写真)で白ご飯がついてきて、辛さの足りないカレーライスといったところあった。



Tasting Macanese cuisine is one of highlights in this trip. However, neither I and Nuno did enough research to make the most of this occasion. African chicken (garinha africana ou frango assado à africana (above picture) is the most famous dish of all. It is grilled chicken with a tomato-based sauce with red paprika pepper, cinnamon, coconut milk and so on. It is not hot at all and has a quite remarkable taste. It can match with grilled pork and seafood.
The other dish that we ordered is some kind of pork curry stew. Unlike true Indian, it has a very mild taste. It came with a bowl of rice.  
Acho que não preciso de falar a vossa história com a China e Macau. A cozinha macanêsa é basicamente portuguêsa. Aqui quero presentar alguns pratos mais diversos. A garinha africana ou o frango à africana (1ª foto)é frango assado com o molho com tomate, canela, piri-piri e leite de coco. O molho não é picante mas é aromatico e sabroso. O outro prato é um tipo do cozido com porco e batatas no molho "curry"(2ª foto) , acompanhado com o arroz branco. Este não é picante também.  

Macao : Portuguese study

ポルトガル語を勉強するようになって数年がたちます。日本では適切な教材も学校もない上、教えている大学もごくわずかな言語です。私は、英語、イタリア語、スペイン語に続く4カ国語の言語として始めました。ヨーロッパの言語の語学検定はEUが定めるレベルで6段階(最上級(C2)、 上級(C1)、中上級(B2)、中級(B1)、初級(A2)、基本(A1)と分かれています。最低限『私はOO語を話します。』言えるレベルが中級(B1)、始めようと思ったのは先に述べた3つの言語で中級から上級までのいずれかに達したためもあります。 私を含めてたくさんの人が外国語ができたらいいなと思い、勉強している、あるいはしようと思っていることでしょう。上達の早道はというとまず、『英語』で上級以上の資格を取り、ニュース、新聞を70%以上理解できるようになるだと私は考えています。韓国語や中国語に関しては別かもしれませんが、ヨーロッパ言語は英語さえ、十分できれば簡単に身につくものです。今の時代、ネットでニュースをきいたり、読んだりお金もかけずできる世の中です。私が勉強した3つのラテン系言語とフランス語に関して言えば、語彙、 つまり単語の半分近くほぼ同じです。初歩的なレベルさえクリアすれば、難しくなればなるほど英語と語彙が全く同じになってきます。語尾、スペル、発音を変えるだけで英語の単語が学んでいる言語の単語になります。 また、残念ながら、その他の言語ができるだけでは、仕事で生かせる場、つまり正雇用の仕事がありません。英語ができて初めて評価される方が圧倒的に多いといえるでしょう。 そこでお勧めなのが英国のOXFORD PRESSが出版している『Take off in...』シリーズ。英語からその他言語を学ぶための教科書でこれ一冊でゼロから中級レベルまでカバー。これとネットでニュースを読む、聴くだけで中級(B1)は、2年のうちに合格しました。ちなみにその他に辞書や教科書、レッスンなどにお金は掛けていません。このシリーズはヨーロッパ言語だけでなく、アジアの言葉まで有るようです。 ただ、この時点で、それより上に行くには本格的な文法書が必要と感じていて勉強がとん挫していました。今回の旅行はポルトガル人の友人と話す機会をえることもひとつの目的にしていましたが、思わぬところで収穫がありました。3人で街を歩いていて見つけたポルトガル語専門の書店。

ポルトガル語の中級から上級の文法書がないか聞いてみたところ、でてきたのが写真の文法書。英語圏でもポルトガル語のこのレベルの教科書になるものは需要がない のかおいていないもしくは出版されていないため手に入らなかったので驚いた。実は外国人のためによりわかりやすくポルトガル語で説明されたものではなく、ポルトガルの高校生が大学や就職を前に使ういわば『国語』の教科書だった。スペイン語でこのレベルには達していることが功を奏し、さほど苦にならないなようなので買うことにしました。 また、この店でもう一つ眼を引いたのは英語、ポルトガル語、中国語で書かれた『澳門料理の本』です。この後、少しマカオ料理を紹介しますがネットで探しても 十分な情報がなく写真、説明、作り方など非常によくできた本でした。ただ、料理に関する本を一冊読みかけているものとこの言語の文法本、これだけで買って帰っても まず読めないと考え購入しませんでした。次の機会に楽しみを残すことも私が旅をしてきて身につけた旅の楽しみ方です。
(Picture: in front of Macao's landmark, I vowed to take a next step in my Portuguese study.)

Portuguese is my fourth foreign language to learn. English is very useful language to communicate with other nationalities. I believe majority of people who take up English learning is to enjoy talking with people in other countries and / or learn other cultures and make friends. Probably, most of them achieve this goal by mastering it. When you learn some specific area in a non-English speaking country, in many cases, you can find some book translated in English. However, if you want to learn it further in depth, then you probably feel you need to learn the language of country. For example, I love Medeterranean cuisines, especially, Italian. So, I first took up Italian. It is because I may need to speak to a butcher, chef or farmer who do not speak much English. That is how I started to learn other languages, such as Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

Passing Spanish exam in the European standard of B2, I started Portuguese and in two years, thanks to my Spanish knowledge, I passed Portuguese exam in B1 easily. Now, I am thinking of doing Portuguese in higher intermediate of B2.
My Portuguese friend will be in Macao for holiday. So, I joined him to explore ex-Portuguese colony. Since my friend is a Portuguese and his wife also study the language, we decided to drop by a Portuguese bookshop.
Unfortunately, in Japan, almost all language textbooks written in Japanese are targeted to very low level learners. The first book finishes without completing basics. For example, you can order food at first food shop, but you can not read a menu at restaurant and even you will not know how to ask some specilities or recommendations. So, I usually buy a textbook written for a English speaker. In this case, as you can imagine you can at least reach an intermediate level. However, there was a problem in Portuguese learning. As it is a relatively minor language, there is no textbook for the advanced level.  
What I wish to get was a grammar textbook for advanced learners. This bookshop called "Livraria portuguesa e galeria de arte" specialises books in Portuguese. Here I got it. Actually, it is not designed for foreign language learners but for Portuguese teenagers in the higher education. It is written in Portuguese.

Português é a minha quarta língua estrangeira, seguindo inglês, italiano e espanhol. Sabendo estos três idioma, parece que seja muito facíl para a aprender. Admito que foi relativament facíl e eu consegui um diploma basico (B1) sem assistir ningun aula. Mas ainda de vez em quando confundo com duas línguas que estudei anteriormente. Ademais não tenho um texto propio para referir. Com o Nuno e a Lu, nos encontramos uma livraria que especializa nos livros portugueses na Baixa. Lamentavelmente, não há este tipo do livro da gramática para os estudantes extrangeiros neste nível.  O que comprei é para alunos no Ensino Secundário em Portugal. Portanto é um bom livro.
O outro livro que interessa-me muito foi da culinaria Macanesa, uma comida luso-cinesa. Antes ter chegado aqui, procurei as informações sobre esta cozinha mas conseguí poco. Já tenho dois livros para leer. Por isso, não o comprei nesta vez. A proxima vez...

Macao : Egg tard vs pastel de nata

On the second day of our trip we first to a local bakery where famous egg tards are made. The cake is originated in Portugal and a general name in the country is "pastel de nata". It literally meants "cream cake". We went to a shop where they serve this around 10 a.m. and there was almost no quere. You may question which of the two sweets are better. It may depend on your taste. Macao's "egg tard" is, as the name suggests, more close to a taste of egg. That's probably Chinese people want. On the other hand, "pastel de nata" has a more creamy taste. Like a cheese cake which does not taste like a hard cheese at all, it may be difficult to detect an egg flavour in the Portuguese counterpart. My answer is both Portuguese "pastel de nata" and Macanese "egg tard" is NOT the best. The best is "a pastel de Belem", as most Lisboners would agree. This cake is thought to be the origin of both cakes which are sold widely in each country. The shop is located in the district of Belem near St. Jeronomos cathedral. The recipe was first made by nuns of this cathedral and later, one local business man learned it and opened a shop at the place where it is now. It is a sweet. Yet it does not contain much sugar as other Portuguese pastries. It is baked and served at order. (Japanese) マカオで有名な菓子と言えば、『エッグタルト』。ポルトガルから伝わった菓子の一つ。ここで、注目すべき点の一つとして現存するポルトガルのものと形や味もそう大きく違いがなく、ポルトガル人もすぐに自分の国のものを想像できるということである。一方、日本でポルトガルから伝わったとされる『南蛮菓子』を見てみると、『カステラ』、『丸ぼうろ』、『有平糖』、『金平糖』、『カスドース』どれも、日本人の口に合うように形や製法が変化してしまったものばかりである。ポルトガル人に訊いてみても、同様の菓子はないあるいは一般人は知らないということがほとんどである。『エッグタルト』がマカオにいつ頃伝わったか勉強不足でわからないが、味は多少違えどポルトガル伝来の菓子とすぐにだれもが判断できるものである。あえてその理由を述べるとすれば、16世紀以降に伝わった南蛮菓子は、茶道などの発展した日本で独自の菓子文化を形成していったためと言えるのではないだろうか。 ところで、マカオの『エッグタルト』とポルトガルの『パステル・デ・ナータ』とどちらがおいしいか。味の違いは『エッグタルト』はその名の通り、卵が入っていると気づく味である。『パステル・デ・ナータ』はというと、実は私は食べた事がないのでこの二つを比べることができない。『パステル・デ・ナータ』は、ずいぶん前からだろうポルトガル中どこでも見られる菓子となってしまっている。ポルトガル国内各地に広がる以前から、作られていて、そのルーツといわれている菓子がリスボンのベレン地区で食べることができる。『パステル・デ・ベレン』といい、リスボンに行った際は必ずよるお店だが、地元の人々、そして観光客、客足が途絶えない。それでも店の前にそびえ立つジェロニモス聖堂の修道女から習い、店を起こした時から伝統的な製法を守っているとされ、タルトのクリームの製法は門外不出。味はチーズケーキが、チーズの味がしないように卵の味は感じない。クリーミーで甘さも控えめである。ほとんど誰もがにといってもいいくらい、リスボンの人は出来立てアツアツでてくるこのケーキを勧める。なるほど絶品である。マカオの『エッグタルト』も、ポルトガルの『パステル・デ・ナータ』も、製法と味に拘り続けるこの店のケーキには勝てないというのが私の結論である。 (Português) Em Macau, os pasteis de nata chamam-se os "egg tards". Como são? Eu digo-lhes "Não são nada especiais como "os pasteis de nata". Não tento de ofender a ninguem. O que clarissimo é que os " pasteis de Belèm" são os òptimos! Ninguns dos dois são comparavéis. Os egg tards parecem conter mais gema que os pasteis de nata. Por isso, se podem saber o sabor da gema. Se viajarem a Macau, deveriam experimentar-os. Se gostam ou não gostam. The shop is called "Margarette's" / 店の名前は『マーガレット』といいます。 / O nome da loja chama-se "cafe da Margarette" Para vocês, os portugueses, seriam mais interessantes e curiosos experimentar alguns doces luso-japoneses levado ao Japão no siglo dezessei ou dezessete para os missionarios portugueses. Quero presentar-lhes um bolo detes. O nome é o "maru-bolo". Em japonês, "maru" significa "redondo". É feito de farinha de trigo,gemas de ovo, azucar,agua etc.


Macao: It is a place where the West meets the East

Macao. How do you describe the city? If you have been to Portugal before, you may feel as if you were actually there. I have seen some other places in Asia which were once colonized by the Westerners such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Okinawa and China. Yet I could say this city is unique. When you walk down the street in a residential area where Chinese people live, you may find yourself in "a old town in China". When you turn a corner to another street, the atmosphere may change dramatically. There are churches, squares, fountains and other architectures where resemble ones in Portugal. This huge contrast can only exist in this wonderful city. (Japanese) マカオ。この街は私がずいぶん前から一度行ってみたいと思っていた所です。ポルトガルの中世の雰囲気が色濃く残る街。既に他界した伯父が戦後、船乗りとして訪れたのが、リスボン。帰国して私の生まれ育った唐津の町で小さな『リスボン』という喫茶店を経営してました。この国の人は『Saudade(サウダーデ)』という言葉をよく使うようです。日本語では『哀愁』と訳すのでしょうか。故郷を思う気持ちも含まれるため、正しい訳ではないですが、おおよそそのような言葉と思われます。大学時代の一番の親友がリスボンの出身で、何度となく訪れ、またポルトガルのサッカーに熱中し、ポルトガル料理を堪能し、ファドや闘牛を鑑賞し、自分もポルトガル人になった気がしていました。その友人の結婚式で訪れた2007年から久しく訪れていません。マカオはそんなポルトガルを感じる国。2000人とはいえ、ポルトガル人が住み、公用語としてポルトガル語が使用され、ポルトガル語での学校教育も行われてる言わば、『リトル・ポルトガル』と言ってもいい国です。写真を見てもわかるように、歩道や遊歩道の舗装まで石畳。しかもポルトガルで見られるような道端に転がっている形のあまり整っていない石を敷き詰めた歩道。まさにポルトガルそのままと言えるところです。 (Português) Esto é a minha primeira vez que escrevo este tipo de texto em Português. A língua portuguêsa é a minha quarta língua estrangeira. Francamente, não posso escrever muito bem mas é um desafio para mím. Também quero comunicar com a gente como os pais do meu melhor amigo de Lisboa, quem que já não tenha visitado a esta maravilosa cidade. Macau é um lugar unico do mundo onde convivem as duas culturas distintas, nomeadamente, a cultura portuguêsa e cultura cinêsa. Mas aproximadamente só 2.000 pessoas falam português como a língua materna. Casi todos os cidadãos não sabem a língua. Português funciona como o idioma oficial mas não é a lingua comunicativa entre os cidadãos. No entanto as influências pelos portugueses nesta terra são muito significativas. Não quero contar-lhes as influências politicas ou economicas porque essos seriam os temas das especialitas. Caminhando nas ruas de Macau, se podem sentir-as. Por primeiro lugar, há uma atmosphera: Se sentiriam como estiverem em Portugal.


Macao : Portuguese food

大学時代の友人と会うため、マカオと香港に行ってきました。マカオは16世紀にポルトガルの植民地として発展し、ポルトガルと同じ街並みが残る町です。1999年の中国への返還後も自治が両国間で承認され、今も2000人ほどのポルトガル人が住んでいます。ここには日本と同じようにポルトガル料理の影響を受け、独自に発展した『マカオ料理というものがあります。また、当然ながら、中国の広東料理やポルトガル料理も味わえます。まずは、久しぶりに本当のポルトガル料理を味わおうと、香港空港で待ち合わせ2度の通関を通って『アントニオ』というポルトガル郷土料理の店に行きました。 Macao can be an ideal place to visit for those who wish to go to Europe or North America (let's say "Western countries") but do not have enough money or time. (It is logical that China, Korea, Japan are called "Far East" in Western countries.) There are several reasons for this. First of all, the historic district of Macao has buildings, streets, monuments parks and gardens which resemble "Europe". To be more specific, you would feel as if you find yourself somewhere in Portugal. Yes, of course, As you may know, Macao was colonised by Portugal in the 16th century and belonged to them till 1999. Churches, architectures, statues and pavements were built in the style which you find in Portugal. Secondary, you can find some authentic Portuguese restaurant where a native Portuguese cooks. "Antonio" is a good example and Mr. Coelho dedicates to serve original recipes from his birthplace to customers. He is also kind enough to have replied me when I booked a table by email. Nuno,Lu and I had first dinner at Antonio's. Relatively expensive. Considering the fact that many ingredients such as cheese, sausages, Iberian pork and a large selection of wines are imported from Portugal, it is worth paying. Let's not forget the quality is high, too. Maybe I should stop writing "boring" critics and show some photos which you want to see: Food. Azeituna de Portugal (Olives from Portugal / ポルトガル産オリーブ) (English) These are olives that I had at "Antonio restaurant" in Macao. As you can see, they are varied in colour, from yellowish colour, to dark brown and black. I am not knowledgeable about olives.  I suppose that the varied colours represent different stages of maduration when cultivation take place. Thus, taste can be different. Of course, different variety of olive can have different tastes. But for majority of customers except gastronomic expert, the most important thing is freshness and quality, not varieties. These olives I had are excellent. I believe the quality differs largely how olives are processed. Probably, these olives are dispatched to a packing factory or process at the farm immediately before the quality is deteriorated and processed adequately. On the other hand, olives found at ordinary supermarkets are almost tasteless compared with the one I had there. They are processed at factory in a way that canned products can last more than one year and kept on shelf for a long time. I could say no wonder  olives are not popular in Japan at all even though medeterranian food is very popular. (Japanese) ポルトガルで郷土料理を提供するレストランへ行くと、写真のような色鮮やかなオリーブが食前に運ばれて来ることがあります。 オリーブが食前に注文に含まれていなくても出されるのはポルトガルやスペインでは普通の事です。それを見てそのレストランに 質をはかることができるとも言えます。オリーブは熟成度に寄って色が変化し、林檎などと同じように最初は緑色をしていて徐々に黄色く変化します。それから赤みをおびえてきて紫、あるいは茶色に変化し、最後に黒く変わります。風味も熟成度によって変わります。当然ながら品種によっても変わるでしょう。ただ、私たち日本人にとって一般に国内で口にする、食料品店で売っている缶詰のものと比べると味は雲泥の差と言えるでしょう。オリーブの実がどのような過程を通って人々の口に運ばれるか詳しく知りませんが、このようなレストランで出されるものと缶詰加工にされるものとでは収穫されてから梱包されるまで大きな違いがあるのは確実でしょう。イタリア料理などが日本に普及してパスタなどの麺類は日本に従来ある麺類と比べ需要が明らかに上がっていますが、オリーブの消費はほとんどないように感じます。もちろん日本と地中海沿岸のヨーロッパ諸国とでは食の違いが大きいですが、新鮮でおいしいオリーブが入ってこないことは大きな要因ではないかと思われます。 Presunto e Enchidos Caseiros (Selection of Portuguese Smoked Ham and Sausage/ポルトガル産のソーセージの盛り合わせ) ポルトガルやスペインのソーセージ、一般に腸詰類は他のヨーロッパ諸国のものとその特徴が大きく異なり、日本人が通常期待するソーセージとは違った、変わったものを味わいが楽しめると言えるかもしれません。詳しくはありませんが塩コショウ以外に右と左のもののように甘みのある赤いパプリカを混ぜ込んあり、荒挽きの脂肪の塊が入っているのがその典型と言えるでしょう。日本人が知っているソーセージよりも塩気が強く、しっかりした味付けです。イタリア人もそうですがこの地域の人たちの食事を見ると塩味がしっかりしています。あまり減塩のいうことは考えないようです。色の濃く黒に近いソーセージは赤ワインあるいは豚の血が入ったものもあります。比較的白い色のソーセージには酢を混ぜることもあり、熟成方法も風通しのよい山間の貯蔵庫で熟成させたものや火であぶったスモークまで多様です。ポルトガルもスペインと同じように『ハモン・イベリコ(Jamón Iberico)』の産地です。一般的に『 プレスント・デ・ポルコプレト( Presunto de porco preto)』といい、スペインに近いアレンテージョ地方のバランコス産(Barrancos)のものが最高とされています。残念ながらポルトガルの首都リスボンでさえ、加工肉を扱っている店の多くはスペイン産のハモン・イベリコを置いてなかなか手に入れるのも一苦労です。 Tábua de Queijos Portugueses (Assorted Portuguese Cheese / ポルトガル産チーズの盛り合わせ) (Japanese) チーズは最も興味のある食材の一つです。日本に伝わったのは明治に始まった西洋化あるいは第二次世界大戦後であるか熟知していませんが、高度成長期にプロセスチーズなるものが普及し始めてはじめて一般人がチーズを食するようになりました。プロセスチーズと対照的な本当のチーズは通常『ナチュラルチーズ』と称されています。私が興味があるのは後者の方です。ただチーズと言っても、種類や風味は多種多様です。たとえば、ミルクが牛、羊、山羊などどの家畜から絞ったものかで味は変わるのは当然のことですが、動物が放牧されて食べる牧草によって風味は変わってきます。ほとんど熟成していないチーズと1カ月ほどの熟成したチーズと3年の熟成を終えたチーズでは全く触感も味も香りを異なります。特に昔ながらの方法でほとんど機械に頼らず作られてきたチーズは格別です。ポルトガルにもそうしたチーズはたくさんあります。ポルトガル語やスペイン語の勉強のためにネットでニュースを見ていると昔ながらの羊の放牧に参加するツアープログラムを紹介していて、行ってみようかと思ったくらいです。伝統的に作られてきたポルトガルのチーズは羊及び山羊のチーズあるいはこの混合がほとんどです。スペイン南部とポルトガルにしか見られないタイプに近いのが写真の真ん中のチーズ。布で丸いチーズの側面を包んで熟成させるもので、皮の部分も柔らかくそのまま食します。中はバターが解けたようにどろっとしており、ナイフできると形が崩れてきます。通常、こうしたチーズは、『Queijo amanteigado(ケイジョ・アマンテイガード)』と呼ばれいます。『manteiga (マンテイガ)』はポルトガル語で『バター』を意味し、その名の通り『バター状チーズ』言えます。 (Spanish) Quesos... Los que me gustan más de la Europa son quesos. Queso de ovejas y cabras son especialidades de los paises ibericos. Queria ir allí para provar varios quesos. Quesos artesanos casí nunca vienen aqui! Secretos de Porco Preto Grelhados (Black Pork Fillets on Charcoal/ポルトガル産イベリコ豚のグリル) (English) I had some Iberian pork steak for a main course. The meat is imported from Portugal in this restaurant, along with other ingredients such as cheese and sausages. As you may know, iberian pigs are reared in acorn grove a certain period in order to give them exercise to develop some muscle. This condition gives less fat and slightly taugher texture. Pigs are fed with acorn, which gives an mistakable taste in meat. Iberian pork is certainly my favorite. (Japanese) メインにはポルトガル産のイベリコ豚のステーキを食べました。このレストランではチーズやソーセージなどの食材に加えて豚肉もポルトガルより輸入したものを使用しています。 イベリコ豚はスペイン南部のアンダルシア・エクストラマドゥーラ地方とそこに隣接したポルトガル アレンテージョ地方特産の品種で一定の期間野山に放牧され、十分な運動を取らせることで筋肉を養わせ独自の食感を肉に与えます。また、その間ドングリの実を餌として食べさせることが肉に他の豚肉とは大きく違った味をだすとされています。 日本の和牛は非常に美味ですが、豚肉に関しては国内のものはこのイベリコ豚の味には太刀打ちできないと思います。豚肉は調理法も様々で腸詰めなどにもされ多様な食べ方で楽しめますが、日本で塩、胡椒だけで味付けして焼いたものを料理として出すことがほとんどないことからしてもイベリコ豚との差が窺えるように思います。 (Spanish) Esto es una especialidad de Portugal y España Creo que vosotros sabeis "secreto de cerdo iberico, la parte más rico de este animal. Penso que la mayoria de la gente en España prefieran jamon. Para mi, carne asado es un modo favorito para desgustar. Arroz de Mariscos (Seafood rice / 魚介類のリゾット) (English) I love "espresso". After a large meal, I can't live without it. When I drink "espresso", I do not take any sugar. I remember that someone said in this situation, knowing that I drink it without sugar, "You, Japanese do not put any sugar in your tea. Why?". I could not find any rational answer for it for a long time. Some historical background and certain different sense of taste may contribute to this custom. First of all, tea was introduced by Buddhist monks in the 6th or 7th century from China. By that time, the only food which contains some sweetness are fruit or nuts. Sugar was brought by Portuguese during the 16th century and at that time, sugar was a luxury item which aristcrats or highly-ranked government officials and their family can get it easily. In the late 17th century the development of high sugar refining technology contributed to a large spread of sweet in commoners. On the other hand, in Europe, Portuguese and Spanish brought back coffee and cacao from South America along with a sugar plant. Refining sugar and coffee processing technics were developed in the same period. Therefore, it is logical for people to start drink such a bitter beverage with refined sugar and invented chocolate with cacao and sugar. Secondly, we could say that the Japanese enjoy the contrast of taste in a meal. It is our traditon to drink green tea or any types of Japanese tea without sugar. However, confectionary which accompanies normally contains a high degree of sweetness because the Japanese confectionary, "wagashi" is usually made with a large quantity of sugar. Thus it is logical not to put any sugar into tea. This idea of the contrast of taste can be seen in a traditional Japanese meal. For example, rice is linsed and steamed with cold water, thus the taste is simple and plain. A main dish is normally cooked with soysauce or other seasonings. Therefore it is salty. At a household, we are taught to eat rice and a main dish or soup in turn. In this way, there is no need to add any flavour in a plain rice. Going back to my discussion on how I drink my coffee, I may enjoy this contrast of taste: bitter coffee and sweets. (Japanese) 食後に欠かせないものが、一杯のエスプレッソ。日本人ながら、この一杯に勝るものはないと言っていいでしょう。外国の友人も日本の友人も私がこの濃いコーヒーに砂糖を入れないことに驚きます。ただ、オーストラリアに初めて語学留学したときに味わってから15年以上この方法で飲んでいると苦みが甘みに感じると言うのでしょうか。本当に上手に入れたものはそのように感じます。この事どうしてか考えているとふと『西洋人が日本人にお茶には砂糖を入れないのか?』質問する光景を思い浮かべました。確かにこの質問は日本茶を飲むときに時々友人からも問われたものです。様々考えたある結論に達しました。それには複数の理由や要因があるのでないかと思います。まず一つは歴史的背景:お茶は仏教と時を同じくして6,7世紀ごろに日本に伝来したものでしょう。当時、砂糖なるものは存在せず、甘みのあるものといえば、果物でした。砂糖は16世紀ごろ、ポルトガル人によってもたらされました。(別の説によると中国からもたらされた。)合わせて砂糖と小麦を使い『南蛮菓子』なるものも作られるようになりますが、砂糖は高級品とされ 普通に庶民が手に入らなかったといいます。このことからもお茶に砂糖を入れるという発想を生まれなかった言えます。一方欧州では、15世紀からの『大航海時代』にスペイン及びポルトガルは航路を開きアジアへ、アメリカへと進出していきます。彼らはコーヒーやカカオなどを南米大陸から持ち帰りそこで手に入れた砂糖となる植物とその精製技術を生かし、生産を始めます。ポルトガルはマデイラ島を拠点に砂糖を生産し、ヨーロッパ諸国に輸出したとされています。これらがほぼ同時期に伝わったことを考えて、コーヒーを飲みやすく、カカオと砂糖ででチョコレートを作るというのは当然の発想だったのではと言えるでしょう。お茶はいつ欧州に伝わったか。これは大英帝国が中国で入手し、精製技術を学び、17世紀植民地としていたインドで生産し、国に伝えたとされています。当然、そのときには砂糖が英国にあったので砂糖をいれるようになったといえないでしょうか。 もうひとつは、日本人の食に対する姿勢によるといえます。日本人は、食事をする際にそれぞれの料理に味のコントラストを重視し、それぞれの料理を堪能するという考えがあるように思われます。先にのべたように、砂糖が日本に伝来し、甘い菓子が作られるようになります。徐々に精製技術が進み、安価で砂糖が手に入るようになると一般庶民の間でも和菓子が作られ、食べられるようになります。餡子の入った饅頭や羊羹は非常に甘いものです。これに苦みのある日本茶を合わせて飲むのは丁度よいと感じるのではないでしょうか。西洋人には甘すぎると感じる人が多いようです。それはつまり、日本人のようにその甘さを緑茶の苦みで調和させるような日本人の感覚がなく、お茶(紅茶)には砂糖を入れて飲むのが通常だからといってもいいのではないでしょうか。また、料理のコントラストは別の料理にも当てはまります。本来、日本人は米は冷水で砥ぎ塩など何もいれず焚きます。炊きあがった米とおかずになるものを交互に食べるのが正しい食べ方とされています。素朴で調味されいない御飯を醤油や塩で味付けされた主菜やみそ汁を一口ずつ口に運ぶことでそれぞれの味覚を楽しんでいるとも言えるのではないでしょうか。海外で生活しているときに外国人の何度か聞かれたことがあるのが『どうして日本人はそんな味の付いていないものを食べるのか』ということです。その答えは先に述べた味のコントラストではないかと思われます。 (English) Since my Portuguese friend is a patriot who always try to visit a place where his ancestors left some footprints in its history, I brought some sweets that he could not tried in his visit in Japan. This is called "marubolo", literally "round cake". It is said that this sweet was originally designed to be carried along by Portuguese sailors when they set out for long voyage. Between 16th and 17th centuries many Portugueses missionaries and merchants settled in Nagasaki. A great variety of sweets and cakes were developed and passed down from generation to generaltion in "Nagasaki" and "Saga", surrounding regions. It is very interesting to tell him stories related to these confectionaries originated to his country. "Marobolo" is mainly made of white flour, egg yolk, sugar, honey and syrup. The mixture is knelt and baked in oven. Interestingly, according to the book written by Mr. Muraoka, the president of this sweet maker, it is said that missionaries taught local people the techniques to grow wheat. "Saga" - where the sweet had become one of main regions of producing wheat. Like this company, many sweet producers use exclusively locally-grown flour to bake traditonal cakes. It is said that the local product give a specific texture and taste. (Japanese) マカオで会う友達がこれまで大航海時代などポルトガル人が歴史上訪れてその地に大きな形跡を残した国を好んで旅をしていたことを知っていたため、南蛮菓子の代表である『丸ぼうろ』を持参して見ました。名前は書かれた字のごとくポルトガル語の『Bolo(ボーロ)=菓子』と日本語の『丸い』を結合してできたものです。『小城羊羹』の老舗である村岡総本舗の経営者である村岡安廣先生の書かれた『肥前の菓子』には、16世紀に来航したポルトガル人から伝わったもので、非常食として水夫が携帯していたものが原形だということです。また、16世紀から18・19世紀にかけて小麦粉で作られた南蛮菓子が佐賀で発展し受け継がれた原因の一つにはポルトガル人をはじめとする欧州の宣教師たちがキリスト教を布教するなかで地元の人々に小麦の農法伝え、パンなど食糧に精製する方法を教えたことが挙げられます。また、それにより佐賀は小麦の産地として知られるように生産量も増え、私は白玉饅頭を作っているお店で初めて知ったのですがそれは地粉(ぢご)と呼ばれ、『丸ぼうろ』などには長年、苦労して作りあげた独特の食感を与えるものとしてあえて厳選して使われているようです。村岡総本舗は羊羹の製造で有名ですが、『丸ぼうろ』、『有平糖』など南蛮菓子も作っています。 詳しくは 村岡総本舗 http://www.muraoka-sohonpo.co.jp/  『肥前の菓子 シュガーロード長崎街道を行く』・村岡安廣著 参照 (Português) Os pratos do restaurante Antonio são optimos. Basicamente, são as comidas tradicionais e doses são enormes. São Caros porque todos os ingredientes necessarios são importado de Portugal, nomeadamente, carnes, queijos, presuntos e enchidos. O prato pricipal que tomei foi secreto de Porco Preto grelhados, parte mais rico do animal. Todos os pratos foram deliciosos. Se viverem e trabalharem em Hong Kong ou Macau e quiserem as comidas autenticas mas não tiverem suficiente tempo para voltar a Portugual, este restaurante seria seleto. レストラン・『アントニオ』 / Antonio Restaurant (Macau) Address : 澳門仔舊城區客商街3號地下安東尼奧 (Rua dos Negociantes No. 3, Old Taipa Village, Taipa, Macau) Phone : (853) 2899 9998 Opening hours : ランチ 昼12:00~3:00PM(月-金)/ディナー 6:00PM~L.O.10:30PM(月-金)/昼12:00~L.O.10:30PM(土・日・祝) Closed : 無休 Email : reservations@antoniomacau.com Website : http://www.antoniomacau.com/index.htm