
Hong Kong : Cantonese Cuisine / 広東料理


After reading my last writing, you may not consider going to Hong Kong. However, I must stress that Canonese cuisine in Hong Kong is something you really have to try once.
Like travelling Italy, Spain or Portugal, I must stick to my English to get around. Fortunately, you can expect a complete English menu at many restaurants, here in Hong Kong. Being Japanese also gives a little bit of advantage over other foreigners because I could learn the names of dishes the way of cooking easily since we share the Chinese characters in our language, too. Although it can be too much for me to take up another difficult language, I can learn the names of Chinese food and ways of cooking.
To enjoy Cantonese food in high quality and pay quite reasonable price, I truly recommend, "Tasty Congee & Noodle Wantun Shop (正斗麺粥専家)". If you go to IFC mall for shopping, it is an idea place to have lunch or dinner. It is connected from Hong Kong train station. If you arrive in Hong Kong late in the afternoon and do not wish to search for a place to eat, you can go there directly when you get to the station by the airport railways.

102 鮮蝦雲吞麵 (Shrimp wanton noodles in soup) 

I must admit that I never eat "ramen" in Japan. It is not Japanese food and it is not exactly Chinese, either. I only take my foreign friends to a place where they serve traditional and authentic Japanese food (since they are not a business client who I might lose due to my "bad behaviour" but they are my dear friends, I can control their wishes, can't I?  Ha. Ha. Ha.) Similariy, I do not eat Japanese food when I go abroad. (Remember, I never had a rice-cooker in Newcastle.)
OK. Here I am in Hong Kong to taste some traditional Cantonese noodles. The name of the food on the title with three digit number corresponds to the exact menu. It is named "shrimp noodles". Considering the size, it is prawn to be more accurate. Noodles and soup are simple and very tasty.

206 京都香炸醬撈麵  (Tossed noodles: Hot & sour pork meat sauce on Noodles)

メニューにある漢字、味、外観から判断して日本で『ジャージャー麺(炸醬麺)』として知られる料理と同じと考えてよいかもしれない。ただ、英語名に『hot』と有るように唐辛子が少しきいているようである。私のポルトガル人の友人が知らずに頼み、私が平らげることになった。最近、四川料理や韓国料理をよく食べるようになったこともあるが、日本では通常の辛さと言えるので警戒して避ける料理ではなく、むしろ大変おいしかった。青みの野菜だけが茹でただけのためそれだけ食べると味気がないので注意。『Tossed noodles』とあるが、調理法を指しているようで英語の『Oxford Advanced learner's』という辞書を参考にして意味を調べてみると『食材をボウルなどにいれて粉や液体状の調味料など入れて左右に揺することで味をまんべんなく行きとどかせる動作』を指すとわかった。その意味と麺を目や触感で確かめた限りで判断したところ、『小麦粉を麺にまぶしてよく振って味をまんべんなく行きとどかせた後、フライパンに薄く敷き、油で炒めたようである。したがって油で揚げたパリッとした触感があり、非常においしかった。

Looking at the following Chinese characters, "炸醬撈麵", it can be a Cantonese-style "Zhajiangmian". However, the way of cooking noodles is completely different. While noodles are boiled in a hot water and the water is drained once it is cooked in case of "Zhajiangmian", noodles looked pan-fried.  I was curious about the name "tossed", so I looked it up on "Oxford Advanced learner's dictionary". It says "to coat food by shaking and turning in dressing". By knowing that meaning, noodle can be coated with flour and cooked in a frying pan with a layer of cooking oil. It was crispy and tastier.
My dear Portuguese friend ordered this without checking the word "hot" in its English description on the menu. So, the dish ended up to fill my stomach, instead of his.

Well, I unfortunately forgot to note the name of this dish. It is on the menu without picture. Again, two third of it went to my stomach since he said "I didn't expect rice like this".

中環店 Central Shop
住所 : 香港中環港景街1號國際金融中心商場3/F.,3016-3018號舖
Shop 3016-3018 on Podium Level 3 of ifc mall, 1 Harbour View Street, Central
電話 : 2295 0101 
Fax  : 2295 0666
営業時間 : 11:30~23:00
休業日 : 年中無休
Website : http://www.tasty.com.hk/menu.html

In the following day, we went to a cafeteria served the same types of food. Nuno picked up the place from "Lonely Planet", which I distrust. The place was really "spooky". The food was not worth paying. The portion of dishes is unnecessarily larger and the taste did not impressed me.
A good thing about the restaurant I recommended is low-costing as other ordinary shops and the portion is just right.


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