
Busan2 : A day-trip to interesting places around Busan

On the follwing day, I took KTX, a Korea's high speed train to Gyengyu (慶州) to visit the country's important Buddhist temples. The first place is Bulguksa (불국사) , the temple built in the 8th century.

続いて訪れたのはソックラム。漢字では石窟庵 と書き、石造りの仏像が石の洞窟の中に祀られている場所で、写真で見た方は恐らく釜山に行った際は一度は訪れたいと思う場所ではないだろうか。写真を取ることができないため、どのような場所かは以下のサイトで写真を拡大して見てほしい。

Secondly, I went to Seokguram where a large Buddhist statue is enshrined in a stone-made cave. Some of those who have seen pictures of  this statue, may have already thought it is one of the places which ones must see while staying in Busan.
As pictures are prohibited to be taken, please refer to the following site to see how it is like by enlarging the photo.
The main statue is a very similar to ones in Japan and it is "nyorai (如来)" ranked in the highest position in all Buddhist statues which show Buddha after attaining enlightment.
Unfortunately, the statue is housed in one of a temple building, visitors can only observe it from the front but not from other angles. Therefore, you can not see very much of other statues placed around the main statue like pictures shown in some pamphlets and guidebook. The place is worth visiting but you may not have a strong impression that you may have had before you actually see it.
This is the small temple building where the famous stone-made statue is stored.
The third place which I visited on that day is Yangdong folk village (良洞/양동). I truly recommend this place to other tourists.

The village was found  in the 16th century. Yangdong village consists of typical traditional Korean houses and peaceful countryside atmosphere. Some houses have a thatched-roof. A unque aspect of this village is that it continues to exist as a real living community, where people cultivate rice and other crops, following their old traditions.
The only way to explore Yangdong is on foot. There is a large parking area in front of its main gate where all tourists should leave their car or bus. You will begin your visit with a pleasant walk to the first community.
I had tradtional Korean sweet and tea with grains. Although I could  see only a part of the village, my satisfaction was greater than the other two places I visited on that day. Ideally, you should spend a whole day here to enjoy this relaxing atmosphere away from a busy city life. It can be also nicer to come in couple.


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