Korean cuisine 4
If you are so interested in food culture in the country, here is my recommendation : visit the Institute of traditional Korean Food. It is a perfect place to have an afternoon tea break. On the first floor, you can find a cafeteria where they serve several different types of traditional Korean tea with mochi rice cake called "tteok".
- Plum tea with rice cake -
After taking tea, spending over 5,000 (3-4 euros), you can go upstairs to visit the Tteok museum, which exhibit a huge collection of seasonal rice cake and meals at each seasonal ritual. It is interesting for someone who study food culture and history as well as tasting them.
I went there on my second day before noon. As I was the first visitor, a senior clerk at the museum, guided me volunteerly by explaining all in Japanese. It was a pleasant surprise.
Name : the Institute of traditional Korean Food & Tteok Museum
住所 :ソウル市鍾路区(チョンノグ)臥竜洞(ワリョンドン)164-2
行き方 :3号線鍾路3街(チョンノサムガ)駅7番出口から徒歩10分
電話番号 :+82-2-741-5447
ウェブサイト :http://www.kfr.or.kr/jpn/index.htm (日本語)
利用時間 :10:00~17:00(月~土曜日)、12:00~17:00(日曜・祝日)
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