
to Ju

Hp bday, Ju. :)


To the guys in London

Dear Lu & Nuno,

How is your life in London? Affected by the recent tragedy? Hope you are all right there.


Some news from Juliane - still in Newcastle

Hello everybody,

it is probably more than time that I also contribute again to our blog. Thanks very much for your travel journal and the pictures. It's so nice to see you at least on pictures that I also want to let you have some of my recent activities. In April and May I had a couple of friends here. A good chance to see the surroundings of Newcastle again - and to shoot a couple of pictures you also might enjoy. Hope you have nice memories of these locations. Above you can see how sheep live in the Yorkshire Dales and what haircut is the newest fashion down there. The third picture you might recognize as Hadrians Wall.

Finally some images of me while walking through the Dales. The picture with Annette (she visited me in North Terrace and used to live there years before we moved in...) shows us happy and proud after a difficult and little bit dangerous climb. She had to convince me half way through to continue I have to admit.

In the end of May, I travelled to Rome because of the wedding of friends (Lucky Linda is almost on her way to this wonderful city!) . We were friendly welcome, although it's not the groom on this picture - as far as I remember.

The first evening in Rome and the Forum Romanum.

You might have heard about the big campaign 'Make poverty history'. I went to Edinburgh to take part in a march because of the G8 meeting. I think we were quite convincing for Bush. What do you think? (Actually, hearing the news, I'm not so sure about that anymore. Maybe he was just playing for sympathy - as usual.)

Now it's almost time for me to say Goodbye to Newcastle. I'll leave at the 8th of August to go back to Germany! It's pretty hard since Newcastle is my second home now and I had wonderful years here. Just to avoid any misunderstanding: the PhD isn't handed in yet (not to talk about 'written'). I'll start a part time job in Hamburg (as speech and language therapist - what I did before coming to Newcastle) and finish the writing up there. It was the easiest concerning flat, job, ... There might be coming up some further research in collaboration with a German university and maybe Newcastle. Fingers crossed! That would be my dream! (Although the German university isn't in Hamburg - but I can't have all.)

So, now you are again a little bit up-to-date with my life. I hope it's going to work now with the pictures! For the end, one picture more - you all know it.

Best wishes, dear friends,


Linda's European Trip

Hi Everybody,
It's me.
Sorry for not blogging for a while. Been busy preparing for the exam (but failed -___-) and the oncoming European trip, which will start from tomorrow (13 Jul) and the first stop in Rome, then Italy, Austria, Swizterland, France and UK.
Am packing right now!!!
Extremely glad to hear that Nuno finally is going to Brussels. Congradulations and hugs to Dr. Nuno, too!!! ^__________^ b (thumb up)
This means I won't see you, Nuno, in London this summer, right?
Actually I'm quite terribly ill now (days before departure to Europe, darn), had a lot of to say in mind but very dizzy right now.
I'll be back home in the end of August and bring you my adventures in Europe.
See you next month~