
Linda's European Trip

Hi Everybody,
It's me.
Sorry for not blogging for a while. Been busy preparing for the exam (but failed -___-) and the oncoming European trip, which will start from tomorrow (13 Jul) and the first stop in Rome, then Italy, Austria, Swizterland, France and UK.
Am packing right now!!!
Extremely glad to hear that Nuno finally is going to Brussels. Congradulations and hugs to Dr. Nuno, too!!! ^__________^ b (thumb up)
This means I won't see you, Nuno, in London this summer, right?
Actually I'm quite terribly ill now (days before departure to Europe, darn), had a lot of to say in mind but very dizzy right now.
I'll be back home in the end of August and bring you my adventures in Europe.
See you next month~


Blogger Juliane said...

Linda, I hope, you'll be better very soon and you'll enjoy your trip through Europe!!! A shame that we'll miss each other (I'll leave at the 8th from Newcastle - text me if you come before: 07986595716- and will be at a conference between 22 and 31 of July). Have great fun! Rome is fantastic!!!! I just went there for a wedding in the end of May. Might be hotter now, though...


7/12/2005 3:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Linda,

Sorry for the exam... This way you'll probably have to return to Newcastle to complete your PhD :)

About London, just tell me the dates you think you'll be there. I'm going there frequently on weekends to be with Lu, so maybe we see each other.


7/12/2005 4:24 pm  
Blogger Linda said...

Juliane, I'll be in London (UK) from 4 Aug. Will give you a call then.
Nuno, I'll be in London from 4 Aug to 11 Aug (but will go to Plymouth on 5-8 Aug). Do you have a number in London and I can call you then. Hope you read this in time coz I'm leaving today!

7/12/2005 7:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Linda,

I think we'll miss each other again... I arrive in London on the 5th in the night and leave to Brussels on the 7th afternoon. After that I'll be 2 week without going there.

Anyway the best way to contact is through my portuguese gms with roaming: 00351919559254. If I get another belgian number before the beginning of august I'll inform you.

I wish you have excellent vacations in Europe!!!

7/13/2005 11:37 am  
Blogger Yasu said...

Hi Linda,
Sorry to hear you not feeling well and my apology for not being able to join.
I am sure you will have good time and we all are anxious to hear your travel essay and see some wonderful pictures.


7/14/2005 9:47 am  

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