Some news from Juliane - still in Newcastle

Hello everybody,
it is probably more than time that I also contribute again to our blog. Thanks very much for your travel journal and the pictures. It's so nice to see you at least on pictures that I also want to let you have some of my recent activities. In April and May I had a couple of friends here. A good chance to see the surroundings of Newcastle again - and to shoot a couple of pictures you also might enjoy. Hope you have nice memories of these locations. Above you can see how sheep live in the Yorkshire Dales and what haircut is the newest fashion down there. The third picture you might recognize as Hadrians Wall.

In the end of May, I travelled to Rome because of the wedding of friends (Lucky Linda is almost on her way to this wonderful city!) . We were friendly welcome, although it's not the groom on this picture - as far as I remember.
The first evening in Rome and the Forum Romanum.

You might have heard about the big campaign 'Make poverty history'. I went to Edinburgh to take part in a march because of the G8 meeting. I think we were quite convincing for Bush. What do you think? (Actually, hearing the news, I'm not so sure about that anymore. Maybe he was just playing for sympathy - as usual.)
Now it's almost time for me to say Goodbye to Newcastle. I'll leave at the 8th of August to go back to Germany! It's pretty hard since Newcastle is my second home now and I had wonderful years here. Just to avoid any misunderstanding: the PhD isn't handed in yet (not to talk about 'written'). I'll start a part time job in Hamburg (as speech and language therapist - what I did before coming to Newcastle) and finish the writing up there. It was the easiest concerning flat, job, ... There might be coming up some further research in collaboration with a German university and maybe Newcastle. Fingers crossed! That would be my dream! (Although the German university isn't in Hamburg - but I can't have all.)
So, now you are again a little bit up-to-date with my life. I hope it's going to work now with the pictures! For the end, one picture more - you all know it.
Best wishes, dear friends,
Dear Juliane, your photos did remind me of a lot of things in Newcastle. When I left the place, I kind of felt the same way as you do now (only you stayed longer than I did and must have much more to think of). Yes, sometimes we just have to compromise, between the real life and your dream. Hope you eventually find yourself a balance and complete your PhD, which I don't know now if I still need to accomplish it coz it seems to be lots of disturbance and obstacles ahead of me. Maybe I don't really need to do it. Maybe not? I'm still searching for the answer.
Speaking of Rome. I went there once in 2003. I recognise the Ruins you took. Italy's a lovely country, that's why I'm going again. I'll have road trips with my friends and hope we won't get lost. Will send you more news when I finish my trip!!!
Keep on blogging, no matter where we are ^____^
Dear Linda,
I'm sorry about the difficulties with your PhD. The only thing I can say from my case: I didn't NEED to do the PhD. I simply WANTED to. Maybe the break and your travel through Europe will help you to find your individual answer. Are the chances to get a good job really so different with a PhD in your case? Do you really want to do the PhD? If yes, you'll find a way. I'm sure. But for now -forget university and enjoy your holidays! Things might be looking different by the time you come back!
Big hugs and chin up,
Dear Juliane,
It's been a long time!Your pictures and narratives certainly hit me and felt nostalgic. I can see that you had great years in Newcastle.
I will also buy a new digital camera for my trip to Spain, which is planned to be materialized in September and June.
Hi Ju,
Every time I look at a photo of the Hadrian's wall I don't understand its purpose except to make the landscape more beautiful or avoid the sheep to cross the fields. Seems so small, isn't it very easy to climb?
The Angel of the North is definetly something that never impressed me very much, but the british countryside is definetly one of the most beautiful things about the country. And the Dales one of its best spots I heard.
For Roma there's no words, it's just grand and great to be there. And you look like a very healthy girl at the peak of your physical and intellectual condition!!
For Bush I can only remeber the name of a Neil Young song, 'Keep on rockin in the free world', I hope it continues like that for long time. And this is not a compliment to Bush...
To conclude, thanks a lot for your photos, when you can please post more and enjoy your last month in Newcastle;
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