Recent progress
I have some news for you.
First of all, I am going to start to work from next Thursday. It is not very good one considering what I did in my academic career but I can not complain by seeing an economic situation. In my new job I must correspond to inquiries from foreigners who live in Japan in English and Spanish (for Peruvians) and Portuguese for Bralians.
These South Americans are normally the third generation of Japanese immigrates who had moved there in 1920s. Of course, I do not speak Portuguese but I can manage with my Spanish.
Talking about Spanish, a few days ago, I confirmed on the result of the Spanish exam in the higher intermediate (B2)on the internet. I passed with the marks of 83.25 out of 100. I would say it is good. Academically, I almost always do
well! Now I am thinking of studying for C1, the advanced level in Spanish and B2 in Italian and Portuguese. I have bought
a text book for Portuguese. Here it is!