Trip to Lisbon: Part3: RUN RUN RUN
On the day after the wedding, we made a plan to visit two festivals. Before I got information about the Fiesta dos Tabreiros. The Fiesta dos Tabreiros is a traditional festival that only takes every four years in a town near Lisbon. From 30 June to 9 July, flowers and quilts decorate the streets of Tomar colourfully. We were fortunate to visit such a festival. Therefore, I had suggested visiting Tomar before the trip. A trip to Tomar takes approximately two hours from Lisbon.
On the day before the wedding, Nuno gave David some information about another festival which was going to take place on the same day. Red waistcoat festival is held in a small town called Vila Franca de Xira. The town has almost no attraction for tourists. However, from 6th to 8th July, the town becomes very crowded by tourists. I believe you have heard of the festival of San Fermin in Pampulona? This festival become widely known by a novel of Ernest Hemingway. The main event is running in front of bulls. Bulls are released on streets and lead to a bullfighting stadium. The street which lead to the stadium is only open and other streets are blocked by fences. People run in front of angry bulls and some get injured. According to David, ones seriously injured are usually foreign tourists. In Vila Franca, bulls are also released on streets before bullfighting. Nuno told us it is worth watching. So, we decided to visit Vila Franca.
It was also my first time to visit these two towns. Therefore, automatically, David became the one who organizes a day trip. Being Spanish, he has no trouble with communicating locals: Buying tickets for four of us and ask ways becomes his routine in the rest of days. On the way to Vila Franca, we had to change a train. The train stopped about for five minutes. We were completely relaxed. The wedding was over. We had some more days for only tourism. We all maybe thought in the same way as I did. Suddenly the train started to move to the opposite direction, starting to back. In a few minutes, we understood that we had to get off the train on the stop. But it was too late. We got off at the next station. We had 40 minutes to wait for next train. David suggested taking a little walk around the station before taking the next train to Vila Franca. I was not very happy about his plan. The bulls were released before eleven o’clock. It was already on that time. When we reached there, it would be twelve. We would miss the event. But David was optimistic.
Although we had different opinions about our plan, we took the next train to Vila Franca. Arriving there, we saw bulls remaining on streets and people watching and chanting. “We were not too late to watch this spectacular event. ” I thought. At the same time, I thanked for David’s optimism.
The streets where bulls were released, were guarded by wooden fences so that they can not escape or can not knock down speculators. Sand was brought to cover all the streets where bulls go. Some people went through the fence to attract the bull’s attention. The bull stayed inattention. He sometimes reacted and ran toward people. No fierce charge toward people. Still people enjoyed atmosphere and this unusual event. There was no dangerous running event like Pamplona. We made a little tour around the town before setting off for Tomar. We were supposed to meet Nuno and Lu in Vila Franca but when we got there, they had already advanced. Nuno contacted David saying we meet in Tomar.
From Vila Franca, it took another one hour and half to get to Tomar. When we got closer to the town, the train started to be crowded. Everyone around the town seemed to go to watch the festival.
According to Nuno, the main event of the festival is a parade that was held on the afternoon. The festival follows Catholic tradition. Couples take part in this event carry a tray which is decorated with colourful flowers and bread march on the streets of Tomar. In this event, women carry the tray and men support women. The majority of couples were young but there are some middle aged couples who joined the event. It seems that this event has been a tradition and ceremony for marrying couples in the town. I felt very pleased with the fact that young people in Portugal try to keep their tradition. Nowadays, almost all young people in my country have abandoned traditional culture. When we arrived in Tomar, streets were a full of people, much more than Vila Franca. After lunch, we did not manage to watch a full view of the parade. So, we moved to another spot where the parade march through later. We reserved spots in front of a fountain to wait the parade to come. Waiting for more than thirty minutes, the parade arrived. Most women looked cheerful but some looked already tired. We could spot a few men took over the job to carry trays. Nevertheless, the parade was fascinating. Each couple decorates the tray in different colour. Looks fantastic. “I’m sure the couples in the parade will remember this event for their life and tell their children in future.” I thought. The tradition would be passed to next generation in such a way. After watching the parade, we headed for the convent of Tomar. This town is not only famous for the festival. The convent is nominated as the World Heritage site and many tourist visit it. Unfortunately, when we reached there, the convent had been closed. We headed back to the town to meet Nuno and Lu. We met them at a cafeteria. Nuno was in T-shirt and a pair of trousers. Lu was also in a very casual clothes. I found that a huge contrast to them in the day before. But rings on their left hands proved that they are married.
We had a little chat with Nuno and Lu and their family. It was a pity but we were running late to catch the train. We exchanged hugs and we headed for the station. But we still did not know which way we had to go. David asked a few passer-bys to get the direction. At that time, there was 15 minutes to go. After 5 minutes for running, Linda could not catch up with us.
“David, I don’t think we can make it.” I said to him
“Yasu, you take this. I will carry Linda’s bag” David responded passing his bag.
Athina and I ran furiously toward the station. David went back his way to get Linda. With our great effort, Athina and I got to there in time. In five minutes, David arrived with Linda’s bag. Then Linda arrived. Then ten minutes passed and we had enough time to catch a breath. The train did not leave for a while stationed at the platform observing our action. “We really did not have to run hard. Trains does not leave on time. Yes, this is common in this country.” I am relieved. “Maybe it was a good exercise.….”
I was sitting at a table in a restaurant for almost 30 minutes. Waiting for my companies to arrive.
A waiter stopped in front of our table and said with an unfriendly face “Are your companies coming? ”
“ Yes, in a minute.” I responded. I was a little frustrated. The waiter started to treat me as unwelcome guest as the restaurant was fully packed. In five hours, I was leaving for Japan. “David said it is only ten to fifteen minutes.” I sighed. Nuno had recommended the restaurant because it serves typical Portuguese seafood dishes. He had also added it is always crowded since it is very popular spot for dining. David said that Athina and Linda needed to do some shopping before dinner. Since there was a queue, David and I volunteered to wait in queue.
“Women always want some time for shopping” David explained. Then he said to look for them. He’ s also going. Without any explanation for waiting, I was not happy. “Why today! I wanted to be relaxed before my flight” I thought. “Maybe I had to look for a cab near the flat, wandering streets. That could be a nuisance ” David, Athina and Linda finally arrived at the table.
“Sorry, it took time for shopping but let’s order. ” David said. Still no explanation.
“What do you want Yasu.” Athina asked.
“I have already chosen. You three choose your own.” I simply answered.
“Maybe we take two seafood platters and two others and we share them ” David suggested.
“Ok, we ordered quickly.” I said with frustration.
“Yasu, we have a little surprise for you” Athina said. She passed me some wrapping “ Open it.”
There was a muffler and cap in the wrapping. It was of the Portuguese National Team. I was speechless.
“I hope you do not have the same thing already. ” Athina said cheerfully “You prepared and planed for our trip. I did almost nothing before I arrived. If you were not here, I probably stayed alone in Lisbon. So, we decided to send you some gift.”
“No I don’t, thank you.” I said.
“Yes, Yasu, without you and David, we do not know how we get around Lisbon.” Linda added.
“Yasu, don’t you remember, in Sintra, Athina asked you borrow you shoulder. Didn’t you feel strange? She tried to measure your size.” David said, “And I also tried a couple of times to distract you. At that moment, Linda and Athina went to buy a muffler and cap. You did not notice?”
“No, I didn’t think it at all.” It was an honest answer. In another wrapping, there was a shirt. It is in green and has a logo of Springfield. I was moved and speechless. I thought that I did anything special. I just planed and booked accommodation. I never thought that they were thinking of giving me any gift. At the same time, I was ashamed with my temper and stupidity not knowing how they felt about me. My eyes were wet and honestly moved.
“Sorry about how I react. I never thought…” I couldn’t continue. “Yasu, Nuno said Lu and he regretted for having enough time to say good-bye. I guess that he meant to drive you to the airport tonight. Don’t worry.” David said.
Although we had a little disturbance with an unfriendly waiter, we enjoyed the dinner. We took a taxi to our apartment. Lu and Nuno were going to set off for their trip to Brussels on the following day. They brought some gift for us. They gave me an autobiography of Cristiano Ronaldo. He drove me to the airport. I exchanged words and hugs with Athina, Linda, David, Lu and Nuno. I walked toward the departure gate. “I wish I could have one more day here. To make things right. ” I wondered if I deserved their action.

-Hey, you are not supposed to be in our picture -

- The photo was retaken.-