Place to eat in Kyoto
The area Recommended
The best place to eat should be "Gion(祇園)". Many of the restaurants I have shown in this blog in Guion. There are authentic Japanese restaurants.
Sushi: 寿司- "Emon えもん"
Tempura: てんぷら- "Tenshu 天周"
Eel: うなぎ - "Uokeyaう桶や"
Some other places which I considered to go are:
Yakitori: 焼き鳥 - Korekido 古暦堂
Hachidaime Gihei 米料亭 八代目儀兵衛 - the Japanese footballer Nakata visited.
Next time when I go there, I will explore more.
The Japanese food and drink that Nuno and I had this time:
Sushi (寿司), Tempura (てんぷら), Grilled Eel (鰻の蒲焼), Yakitori (焼き鳥), Shoba (蕎麦), Sake (酒), Sashimi (刺身)
Food he missed
Nabe (鍋), Shabushabu (しゃぶしゃぶ), Kaiseki Ryori (懐石料理), Fugu chiri (河豚ちり鍋), Japanese Traditional Sweets (京菓子), Koube Beef steak (神戸牛), Shukiyaki (すき焼き)
There are many way to cook Nabe. Kaiseiki Ryori is one of the thing that you must taste once in your life time. Please bring more formal or modest clothes next time, Nuno. I have just found a reasonable but excellent place. There are still a lot to see and experience in Kyoto and around the city. I assure you and all my friends that other is no other place which can satisfy tourists in terms of history, culture, food and shopping as much as Kyoto. Kyoto is like Paris where many people want to visit over and over again. Because you won't see it enough in a short time.
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