
Japan and Portugal 2 (Conpeitos “Confeitos”)

Between the 16th and 17th century, Japan traded with Portugal and it gave certain influences in food. Nowadays, you can find the name “Bolo” in many Japanese sweets. The one of the sweets which is considered to have the origin of Portugal is “Conpeito (金平糖or こんぺいとう)”.
It is basically made from sugar and rice powder. It has a variety of colors. However, all other industrial makers use artificial coloring and flavoring. Therefore it tastes only sugar. I happened to find a shop which use natural ingredients to make it in a traditional method. I mean “by hand”. This is the only shop which has succeeded in putting natural ingredients into the sweet. As the results, you can enjoy a variety of flavor such as lemon, orange, apple, grape etc.
It is said to be brought by Portugal in 1546 and Luís Fróis, a Portuguese missionary gave this“conpeitos” as one of a gift to Oda Nobunaga (織田信長).
Anyway, I took Nuno to this shop to see if it is familiar to him. But according to Nuno, he has not seen such sweets in Portugal. So, now I know at least “conpeito” does not exist in Lisbon. I wonder how the missionary from Lisbon could bring it to Japan....

Further information
Address / Morada / 住所:〒606-8301 京都市左京区吉田泉殿町38番地の2
TEL :075-771-0755
FAX :075-771-0766
Site/ Sito/ サイト :http://www.konpeito.co.jp/ Japanese ONLY
Open / Aberta / 営 業 時 間 ::10:00-17:00
Closed / Fechada/ 定休日 :Wednesdays and the 4th Tuesday / 水曜・第4火曜


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