
Ciao, bella & bello~~

To share some good news with you buddies. I have passed Certified Financial Analyst(CFA) Level 1 exam. Also this afternoon I will have an interview with an investment company (probably a Japanese firm).

By the way, does anybody know what IRIS means? or maybe it is just simply a name.

From Michael, the Bello


Blogger Linda said...

Contragulations to this promising Shanghai young man.
Iris is a girl's name (who's she???)
and it's also a term for a physical part of eyes.
I can tell you what it is in Chinese on msn!

1/20/2005 3:52 pm  
Blogger Um Vicente said...

Hello Bello (?)
I see your italian classes are continuing... So now for you everybody is bello or bella?! What a beautiful world you live in!
Congratulations for your CFA title and good luck for the job in the japanese firm.
IRIS fr me is a girl's name. You can tell her you are a "fico della miseria" and she'll be yours for sure!

1/21/2005 11:48 am  
Blogger Um Vicente said...

I added a link in the teplate of this blog to my other blog in Portuguese. If you feel curious, or want to improve your Portuguese reading, just drop by!

1/21/2005 12:31 pm  
Blogger Yasu said...

Ciao Michele, come stai? Come va il tuo studio dell'italiano? As Nuno said, Iris is a girl's name and it is definitely Spanish (I do not know whether Portuguese have the same name.)
The girl must be from Spain or Latin America. Or she can be a Chinese girl whose is interested in Spanish culture. Can't be a male. So, it is a good news anyway.

Congratulations on your success in your financial exam

Un abbraccio,

PS. Se ti piace parlare in italiano con me, volentieri.
Anche a me mi interessa avere una ragazza italiana.

1/22/2005 9:01 am  
Blogger Linda said...

Why you're all learning and writing in Latin languages, which I can't read any (felt excluded...><)

1/22/2005 2:59 pm  

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